Fresh from the lab, Fate V3 has broken out of its test tube and is here. Without trying to re-invent the wheel, we added Evolve Soft Touch custom reel seat and Airfoil Carbon grips to manufacture grip and feel at absurd levels. The PVG 36T graphite blank decreases the weight and increases the sensitivity pushing the blank to be that much better’er. This rod is 100% gluten-free in order to be lightweight but we also managed to include tangle free guides with Zirconia inserts. Most importantly, we added the Snaggletooth hook keeper because it turns out that people like to store the baits in between uses. TECHNOLOGY PVG36T Graphite Blank Evovle Soft Touch Engage Reel Seat Evolve Tangle Free Stainless Steel Guides with Zirconia Inserts Evolve Soft Touch Air Foil Carbon Handles Evolve Snag-less Hook Keepe
13 Fishing Fate V3 Spin 6’6L 3-15 2P
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